Goldman Sachs on ML and AI

Interesting video and article here from Heath Terry, Head of Internet Research at Goldman Sachs … the radical change enabled by machine learning and deep learning.

Self awareness

Insightful article in Harvard Business Review in January 2018, by Dr. Tasha Eurich, about the nature and benefits of self-awareness. This is highly resonant with “approach137” – the process designed by machine137 to enable technical experts and business specialists to work together effectively, to design and build compelling machine learning applications.

It’s about encouraging and enabling people with diverse personalities and skills to listen and respond to each other with honesty and intelligence, rather than reacting from prejudice or ill-informed opinions, as too often is the case. It’s also about following a process to address the complex issues of applying machine learning in a way that’s disciplined as well as creative.

This combination of awareness and discipline is a powerful way to discover and to unlock the possibilities of machine learning.

John Deere acquires Blue River

This article in the Digital Journal reports that the agricultural manufacturer, John Deere, has acquired tech start-up Blue River Technologies for $305M.

The AI technology makes it possible to spray herbicides only where they are needed.

Currently on a global basis $25B is spent on herbicide sprays, and it is expected that this new technology will reduce the spraying of herbicides by about 95%.

Data architecture

Useful article in November 2017 from McKinsey regarding the value of an explicit data architecture to get the most out of your digital initiatives.

Eight ways to help you

Interesting article at HBR outlining eight ways in which machine learning can help your organisation to perform better, including:

1   More personal customer service
2   Improving customer retention
3   Hiring the right people
4   Automating finance
5   Measuring brand exposure
6   Detecting fraud
7   Predictive maintenance
8   Smoother supply chains


Business of Artificial Intelligence

Insightful article from two of the most informed people regarding the possibilities and consequences of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Article was originally published in the Harvard Business Review in July 2017.